New beginnings... Let the Goddess carry you like a kitten

   Well, I can look back on 2018 and find some beautiful moments throughout, and many things to be thankful for. One of those things is painful lessons, and the learning to be done from finding your way through them.
   We have just moved house to a new town, which is exciting and also highly stressful and scary too! Sifting and sorting and processing ten and a half years worth of accumulated material possessions from our last place has been an emotional journey! By the end we became quite ruthless in our clearing, and I am not sure how many trips to the charity shops and recycling yard we did!
   Anyway, here we are, sitting amidst piles of boxes and furniture and the debris of our old lives, and facing forward to creating a new home here in the new house. Part of the pain of the move was that none of us wanted to leave our old place, but as any renters know, your home is only secure as long as the landlords do not want to sell their property! Ach well, it pushed me out of my comfort zone so completely, that I have entered a whole new zone!
   One of the most special things I have learned, is that when you continue to give thanks and trust that things will somehow work out, in other words, keep the faith, then you find that almost always, things do work out one way or another. I once heard a phrase which has stayed with me ever since. 'Let the Goddess carry you like a kitten' This has become like a mantra for my life. It is so easy to get caught up in fears real or imagined. I believe in trusting my life into the hands of the divine, and attempting to tune into that perfect flow, where I know I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. It is not always easy, and sometimes feels nigh on impossible, but the benefits when I remember to centre myself, breathe, give thanks and simply be present in the moment, are beyond count!
   Here's to new beginnings and trusting the journey!
   Blessings, Arisha x
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