Well to say that that the last few months of my life have been filled with challenges would be a grand under statement! My world has been rocked in some painful and ouchy ways and I have visited a whole range of emotions from the lower spectrum/ the dark side! I won't go into specifics, but suffice to say many things have sucked, but through all the discomfort and stress, has grown a tiny seedling of faith and joy and hope! Sometimes you have to look really hard to find the blessing, but it is always there. I feel that life tests us and pushes us out of our comfort zones, so that we may grow and become even more authentic and wonderful versions of ourselves, living the lives we are supposed to be living here on this beautiful messed up planet. One thing that has been unshakable in me is my gratitude. I give thanks every single day for my blessings, and I constantly pray for guidance about what I am supposed to be doing and follow those little quiet prompts from my heart. I feel that practicing gratitude is one of the best things anyone can do, and I strongly recommend this life transforming practice.
So even when it seems like you are wading through crap and everything is going crazy in your world, look really hard and find the blessing! I feel like a little seedling, that has just begun to unfurl in the sun from the safe dark earth. I feel like the Universe has given me a push to leave the warm, safe darkness of the soil, and even though it is super scary, I am excited for the new adventures that await!
Blessings and love to all x
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